Joshua Fazel


I'm Joshua Fazel

A software developer based in Bangalore, India

When I'm not cranking out code, catching up on the newest technologies or learning something new, you would find me playing video games, listening to music or following up on the latest TV shows.


Stuff I dabble in ocassionally


I like to jot down my opinions, thoughts or experiences with technology, books, video games or any other media I am currently consuming.
You can read the latest articles below or find all the articles here.

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Introduction to the article over here. A small summary or overview of the article.

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Introduction to the article over here. A small summary or overview of the article.

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Introduction to the article over here. A small summary or overview of the article.

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Introduction to the article over here. A small summary or overview of the article.

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+91 7503518682

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Joshua Fazel